Third world countries waver on jet resolution

September 12, 1983

Third world nations, apparently confused by conflicting accounts of the South Korean airliner disaster, appeared hesitant to back a Western-sponsored resolution censuring the Soviet Union in the Security Council. A vote on the resolution, which also calls on Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar to investigate the tragedy, is due today.

Diplomatic sources said that sponsors of a draft resolution, including the US , Britain, France, and Japan, were dismayed, fearing that their text might not receive the minimum of nine votes needed for adoption by the 15-member council.

In Brussels, a majority of NATO's 16 nations will impose a two-week ban on civilian flights to and from the Soviet Union effective Sept. 15, NATO sources said Friday. France, Turkey, Greece, and Spain opposed the ban, they said. Finland's airline pilots decided to boycott flights to Moscow for two months.