Computer helps draft a will

September 8, 1983

The making of a will is usually last on any things-to-do list. It may, however, be moving up a few places as new methods evolve that make it easier to set one up.

For one thing, several new state laws authorize the use of printed forms not requiring complex processing. But the very newest-of-the-new is a computer package offered by a California software manufacturer, enabling those interested to write their own last will and testament. Using a question and answer format, the $50 plan does not require assistance of an attorney, according to the company programmers. The results are said to be valid in 49 states (not Louisiana) and in the District of Columbia.

From the answers given in the Q-and-A session the computer turns out a printed will ready for proper signatures. This method, software developers say, could be the forerunner for producing other ''simple'' forms such as standard real estate contracts, lending arrangements, and other properly legalized forms. Attorneys in the will-making field point out that forms of this kind - done in this manner to cover universal conditions - can serve only for uncomplicated situations.