Libyan aircraft bomb post in northeast Chad

September 6, 1983

Libyan warplanes bombed the Chad government's garrison at Oum Chalouba Sunday , scene of an unsuccessful attack by Libyan-backed rebels last Friday, official sources said.

The sources here and military sources in Paris said 2 of the 4 Jaguar strike planes sent by France to back President Hissein Habre turned the tide of the battle in the northeastern post on Friday. The government said 800 rebels were killed and 600 captured, mostly Sudanese.

The government, meanwhile, rejected an oblique offer from the rebel leader, former President Goukhouni Woddei, to negotiate if French troops were withdrawn. Information Minister Soumalia Mahamat said the offer, made over the weekend when Mr. Goukhouni met journalists in northern Chad, was ''pure fantasy.'' He repeated that the government would negotiate only with Libya.