Peace position, Dial-a-Teacher, Nukes in Ivy

March 7, 1983

Radcliffe College has $20,000, the gift of an anonymous donor, to bestow upon one or two women working with national or international groups in the general area of peace and disarmament. The recipient will also receive office space, auditing privileges, and access to libraries and other facilities of Radcliffe and Harvard. The application deadline is May 1. For forms and information, write: Peace Fellowship, the Mary Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College, 10 Garden Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02138; (6l7) 495-8212.

As of March 1, Boston area students with a problem have a new friend, Dial-A-Teacher. A new homework hotline just initiated by the Boston Teachers Union, Dial-A-Teacher provides experienced classroom teachers ready to help students with assignments. Originally pioneered by the American Federation of Teachers in other large urban school systems in 1980, its success warranted expansion to Boston. While the Boston is aimed at students and teachers in specific schools, if the caller is sincere, teachers will do their best to provide help. The hope is, commented one parent of two Boston children, that ''Dial-A-Teacher will bring the home and school closer together.''

Gen. Alexander Haig, former NATO commander, will link two events focusing on questions surrounding nuclear arms. The first, a three-day symposium ''Nuclear Arms: Challenge and Choice,'' will be held at Dartmouth College beginning April 27, immediately followed by a two-day Ivy League conference, ''Issues of Nuclear Arms.'' Undergraduates from eight Ivy League institutions will attend as well as a delegation of students from Moscow State University in the Soviet Union. Speakers include US Sen. Paul Tsongas (D) of Massachusetts, US Sen. Gary Hart (D) of Colorado, and novelist Kurt Vonnegut. One of the student planners noted, ''We . . . thought it was time undergraduates become actively involved in this most critical issue of the day. We see this combination of symposium and conference as an opportunity for students to discuss and debate issues with experts, and not just be talked to.''