Latex or oil-base, new paint won't stick to glossy surface

March 4, 1983

Q. I've painted and repainted the walls and woodwork of my entire house except for the kitchen, using latex paint. Now the paint is flaking off both the interior and outside walls. I even scraped and sandpapered before repainting. Now I'm thinking of having a plasterer come and replaster the walls, and then I'd repaint with oil-based paint. Is there a solution?

Elizabeth H. Charr, Haverford, Pa.

A. Two main reasons for peeling paint, whether latex or oil, are unclean or infirm surfaces. The preparation process of scraping and sanding the surface suggests a glossy surface below. Was it? If so, thoroughly wash with a fairly strong solution of trisodium phosphate and water to remove gloss, dirt, or grease. New paint will not adhere to a glossy surface.

Peeling paint seldom requires replastering unless the plaster has deteriorated.

The chances are a leading paint store in your town would send, without charge , an expert to make a recommendation right at the site. That's what I'd do. So send an SOS or Mayday to your local Mr. Paint.