Inside Report (2)

December 31, 1982

All a-b-o-o-a-a-a-a-a-r-d!

A NASA task force is expected to make recommendations in February on a proposal to take passengers aboard the space shuttle in the late 1980s. The task force is said to agree that the idea is feasible. It's just a matter of whom you pick and how you pick 'em. After all, seats are limited. NASA has received a number of requests from private citizens to fly on the shuttle. One idea is to set up a national lottery. Winners would form the pool from which NASA would fill empty seats. Another possible procedure: Applicants from a particular profession would be rated by their peers. Whoever gets the highest rating - and meets NASA's criteria - would be eligible.

NASA says there will likely be no out-of-pocket expenses for passengers during their two-month training period, except for air fare to and from Houston and lodging.m