Lower home-mortgage rate foreseen

December 6, 1982

The home-mortgage rate is expected to drop to 12.6 percent during the fourth quarter of 1983 from its current 13.8 percent level, according to a consensus of 34 leading economists.

Robert J. Eggert of Sedona, Ariz., reporting in his Blue Chip Financial Forecasts newsletter, says his group also forecasts a dip in the home-mortgage rate to 12.9 percent during the second quarter next year before a further plunge to 12.6 percent. The home mortgage rate - the Federal Home Loan Bank Board effective rate on conventional mortgages - peaked at 15.7 percent in the second quarter of this year.

In addition, the economist group expects the prime rate - what banks claim to charge their most credit-worthy customers - to bottom out at 10.9 percent during the second quarter of next year. It is now 11.5 percent.