Inside Report (6)

November 19, 1982

Plan carefully if you expect to go to Disneyworld during the holidays. It'll be crowded!

Why? EPCOT - the Experimental Prototype Community of Tommorrow. Since EPCOT's opening Oct. 1, attendance at the two Disney complexes has jumped. Annual attendance at Disneyworld had been running at 12.5 million. But now, attendance for both parks is running well above the 20 million a year projected once EPCOT opened - dispite some early snafus at the new park. These included breakdowns of attractions, long lines, and a shortage of benches for foot-weary visitors. Still, Disney officials say they're pleased. And Orlando is seeing about two announcements a month for planned hotels there.

A Disney official offers this tip: Be at the gate when it opens (8 a.m.), leave for a midday rest, and return in the afternoon.