Translating Congress for TV

September 3, 1982

Close to 10 million Americans have been watching Congress at work over C-SPAN , the Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network. But according to the Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies in Washington, D.C., many viewers find watching Congress confusing. The jargon is unfamiliar and the rules are complex, making it difficult for the average viewer to understand the legislative process.

So the Benton Foundation, a private group committed to fostering understanding and improving the broad field of communications, has published a booklet, ''Gavel to Gavel,'' a guide to the televised proceedings of Congress. The booklet explains the action on the House floor, how a bill becomes law, and what goes on in committees. There's a glossary of terms and a guide for obtaining more information.

''Gavel to Gavel'' is being offered free to anybody who writes to the Roosevelt Center for American Policy Studies, 316 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20003.