Arabs seek UN session on Golan

January 22, 1982

Arab delegates threatened Thursday to call an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights after the United States vetoed a Security Council resolution invoking sanctions against Israel.

The vote on the resolution, sponsored by Jordan, the Council's only Arab member, was nine in favor, with the US casting the only negative vote. Britain, France, Ireland, Japan, and Panama abstained.

US Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick called the resolution ''an aberration, even a perversion,'' of the Security Council's peacemaking function under the UN Charter.

The Council's duty is to prevent the aggravation of a situation, but the resolution would have the opposite effect, she said. Already ''a floodtide of invective'' in the Council chamber threatened to overwhelm reason and compromise with hatred and cynicism, she added.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 war, and the Israeli Knesset (parliament) voted last month to apply Israel's laws there, a measure most Council members interpreted as annexation.Mrs. Kirkpatrick said the US does not believe annexation has occurred.