Tracking down a finish for keeping wood tone

July 3, 1981

Q A product called Satinlac Lightener base coat for an extra-light finish is not obtainable at local paint stores. Could it be that US Plywood Corporation is no longer in business? Is there an alternative product that retains the native wood tone? Mrs. Jeanette F. Thomas Crown Point, Ind.

A Our sleuth also struck out trying to track down the availability of Satinlac Lightener. It was apparently made by Weldwood, he says, adding that Roberts Consolidated Industries now makes the product under the Weldwood label. The Satinlac product may have been made before its acquisition of the company.

As of a few minutes ago, US Plywood Corporation is still going strong.

An alternative product available at many paint stores is CWF, a clear finish for exterior wood. When the directions are followed it restores and maintains the warm look of the wood.

CWF's pamphlet, "A Guide to Exterior Wood Fimishes," is published by the Flood Company, Hudson, Ohio 44236. Phone: (216) 650-4070. The index to the pamphlet lists: Surface Preparation; Application; Common Finishing Proble ms, Causes, and Solutions; and Maintenance.