Moyers to return to CBS in a 'Sevareid' news role

May 21, 1981

Bill Moyers of PBS is returning to the CBS fold. CBS News president Bill Leonard announced that Mr. Moyers will become a CBS News correspondent effective Nov. 1, appearing on a wide range of news broadcasts.

According to Monitor TV critic ArThur Unger, Mr. Moyers will do Eric Sevareid-type analysis on "The CBS Evening News" and major events coverage. He will also serve as executive editor for "CBS Reports" and as anchor on news programs now in development.

Mr. Moyers, one of the few major TV personalities developed by PBS (Robert MacNeil and Dick Cavett come from the commercial networks), leaves "Bill Moyers' Journal" on PBS. He will conclude the "Journal" in June and finish another PBS series on creat ivity before reporting to CBS.