MISCELLANEOUS; For Sonic lovers only

March 26, 1981

The United State has been called a nation of spectators.But with so many sports events on TV these days, and so little need to buy a ticket, America has really become a land of armchair quarterbacks and coaches.

For fans convinced there's no place like home, Seattle's National Basketball Association franchise has cooked up a secial offer. "Next season," says the team's promotional flyer, "the Sonics will play 90 games in your living room." Now that's convenience.

Actually, the SuperSonics won't be making house calls, but for $120 anyone hooked up to Viacom Cablevision can view all 90 Seattle games, including exhibitions. The subscription charge for the Sonics Superchannel breaks down to

To sell this package, charter subscribers are being offered $120 worth of $1 coupons to be used in purchasing Sonic tickets, rather an odd bonus for stay-at-home fans.