Madrid security conference

November 10, 1980

With one day to go before the formal opening of the European security conference, delegates at the preparatory sessions in Madrid are still trying to hammer out a concensus on the agenda and procedures.

While Eastern-bloc countries want to set a strict limit on the time allocated to human-rights discussions at the main conference, Western delegates want these discussions to have an open-ended schedule.

In an attempt to break the deadlock, neutral Switzerland was appointed nov. 8 to act as a mediator between the two sides.

Three proposals are being considered. One, presented by the EC countries Nov. 7, calls for four weeks of debates on human-rights commitments at the main conference. Another, presented by Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and East Germany, cuts these discussions down to two weeks. A third proposal, offered by the Swedish delegation with the backing of the nonaligned states, suggests three weeks for the discussions.