Chicken-dumplings a nostalgic recipe

April 10, 1980

This recipe from Arline Marcotte, Murphysboro, Illinois, is an easy dish that brings back nostalgic memories of old- fashioned dinners when chicken was a Sunday special for many country families. Chicken and Rolled Dumplings 1 stewing hen or 3 pounds chicken parts 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 quarts water 1 egg 3 cups all-purpose flour 11/2 teaspoon baking powder 11/2 teaspoon salt

Chicken parts can be back, neck, and wings from packages of frying chicken.

Place chicken in 1 quart water and stew until tender, about 1 hour. Cool and remove chicken bones, fat and skin. Dice chicken and strain broth to remove small bones. Combine meat, broth, remaining quart of water, salt and pepper, reserving 1 cup broth. Heat to simmering.

Meanwhile make dumplings. Sift dry ingredients together then combine with egg and the cup of reserved broth and mix well. Knead on a floured area working in just enough flour to keep from sticking to board. Roll very thin. Cut into 1 inch squares and add to simmering broth with diced chicken. Simmer 20 minuets. Serves