January 24, 1980

George Bush is a Texan with deep roots in New England. Born in Milton, Mass. , and educated at Phillips Academy and Yale, he was a Navy pilot in World War II. After receiving his college degree in economics, he became a trainee in a Texas oil firm. At age 30 he became president of Zapata Petroleum Corporation, which specialized in offshore drilling equipment. Mr. Bush sold his interest in the firm in 1966, when he was elected to the first of two terms as congressman from a Houston district.

After an unsuccessful Senate bid in 1970, Mr. Bush began serving in a succession of posts: US ambassador to the UN, 1971-73; GOP national chairman, 1973-74; US liaison chief in Peking, 1974-75; then director of the CIA 1976-77. Since 1977 he has served on the boards of several corporations -- and prepared for the 1980 presidential campaign.