Hispanic official dares Carter

January 16, 1980

Sources here say a Hispanic US attorney who failed two lie detector tests in a bribery probe is practically daring President Carter to fire him, United Press International reports.

Administration sources say they expect Mr. Carter to oblige and dismiss Herman Sillas Jr. as US Attorney for Sacramento, Calif. -- despite Mr. Sillas's claims that it would trigger a political backlash from the Mexican-American community in this election year.

Mr. Sillas had been Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti's top candidate to serve as the new US immigration commissioner until his reputation was tarnished when he failed the polygraph tests, the sources said.

Although federal prosecutors could not prove the bribery charges against Mr. Sillas, Justice Department officials are still urging the White House to dismiss him because of his "appearance of illegal conduct," one source said. Mr. Sillas has repeatedly rejected suggestions that he quietly resign.