This article appeared in the March 11, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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A different way to address political frustration

Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

In today’s issue, I talk to author Ethan Zuckerman about the mistrust behind America’s political frustration. His idea: Consider other levers for change, like economics or technology. 

We have two other stories about exactly that. New England’s last coal-burning energy plant is closing. Says writer Troy Sambajon, “Residents say that it appears that economics has accomplished what more than a decade of protests alone did not.” In Africa, those seeking an electric future wonder what will drive change. Lenny Rashid Ruvaga’s story shows technology and economics will be key. 

One way to address political frustrations, it seems, might be to focus less on politics. 

This article appeared in the March 11, 2024 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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