This article appeared in the December 05, 2023 edition of the Monitor Daily.

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What guides Monitor coverage of the Israel-Hamas war?

Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

Today’s Daily issue includes three stories on the Israel-Hamas war from different perspectives. It made me think: What is our approach to coverage of the war? So I asked our Middle East editor, Ken Kaplan. He had his answer ready, as though he was just waiting for me to ask. 

“Our coverage has been distinctive because we focus on the humanity on both sides,” he told me. “We go places other people don’t – and resolutely.” He points to stories about Israeli civil society coming together, “and not in a warlike way, but to support each other – that’s so Monitor.” And he points to stories from on the ground in the Gaza Strip and West Bank – about mothers and Palestinians unable to get back to their families.

“It’s fundamental to what we do,” Ken says, “looking at the humanity in every story.”

This article appeared in the December 05, 2023 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 12/05 edition
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