This article appeared in the November 01, 2023 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 11/01 edition

Welcome to a (slightly different) Monitor Daily

Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

Welcome to today’s Monitor Daily, which will be looking a little different this month. The big change you’ll notice is right here.

You’ve been seeing essays from a range of writers and editors in this space. Now you’ll be hearing from me about what the Daily contains – and why.

This reinforces our original aim. When we launched the Daily six years ago, the intro and the short editor’s notes above every quick read were meant to act as a friendly guide – conversationally and briskly walking you through the day’s offerings and putting them in the context of the day’s news.

We’re going to get back to that this month, with short intros and summaries that really zero in on why that story matters, not just to the world, but to you. When you click through to the deep read, you also should notice stories that move at a faster clip. This is not about quick takes. We’ll still do our big, signature stories and report on everything in depth. But the best journalism is concise and to the point. Just ask my Journalism 101 professor.

These are ideas we’ve been thinking about internally for months. So we wanted to try them out for a while and see what you think. If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear them. You can reach me at

This article appeared in the November 01, 2023 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 11/01 edition
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