This article appeared in the April 08, 2020 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 04/08 edition

Coronavirus lockdowns: Can the police arrest my gardener?

Christopher Dolan/The Times-Tribune/AP
A girl waves to the Easter Bunny from her family's car as they travel past the Waverly Community House in Waverly Township, Pennsylvania, April 4, 2020. With the Waverly Community House's annual Breakfast with the Bunny event canceled due to the COVID-19 outbreak, children were given the opportunity to wave to the Easter Bunny while staying in their cars.

Today’s issue includes a look at what “wartime footing” means in the U.S., how to help those forced to stay at home with abusers, the rise of the in-house marathon, a different kind of Passover, and a show close to Canadians’ hearts

As you might imagine, I’m talking to readers a lot these days. In a time of coronavirus, there is no shortage of questions. But I particularly liked one from a reader last week: If my gardener comes to mow my lawn, will he get arrested?

Looking across the world every day, it’s apparent how many different approaches there are to lockdowns. New Zealand’s rules have been so strict that the prime minister held a national Q&A from home after putting her kids to bed. She also publicly castigated a member of her government caught mountain biking (though she did declare the Easter Bunny an essential worker). The country has had only one coronavirus death.

Meanwhile, Sweden has so far done comparatively little, with movie theaters, restaurants, and schools still open this week. America’s story has played out regionally, with people in blue states restricting their activities more than those in red states, according to The Economist.

Where have conversations with readers ended up? First, know local laws and advisories, and then be worthy of the responsibility we’re given. Even if you’re the Easter Bunny.

This article appeared in the April 08, 2020 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 04/08 edition
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