Internet sitings

What: An online computer diagnostic tool that searches your computer's hard drive and hardware to determine year 2000 compatibility.

The best parts: Where else can you find out for sure whether your data and your computer will survive the date changeover?

What you should know: The program takes several minutes to run, which costs nothing. But to order a report of what your computer needs costs $29.95.

In the meantime, the service has looked through all the application software on your computer and knows exactly what lives on your hard-drive.

It also knows your name, address, telephone number, etc., as you have to fill out a survey to run the program.

By using WebVentory, it knows more about you than just about anybody but the IRS and can make bundles of money selling this information to marketers. Information you enter is encrypted, however, to keep snoops from intercepting it.

How to get there: Fire up your old computer and follow the Work & Money Web page:

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