
Ah, remember those quaintly named Hoosier hoop squads

One of America's most storied sports events, the Indiana high school basketball tournament, begins this week at gyms around the state. Every school plays at least once in the single-elimination format, which provides an opportunity to see in action the Hobart Brickies, Vincennes Alices, River Forest Ingots, and other intriguingly named teams. Such colorful nicknames aren't as common as they used to be, since school consolidations have led to more homogenized, less local identities. In a family discussion, however, Michael Ruff, a pediatrician in Jasper, Ind., decided to draw up a list of the Nifty Fifty – the 50 best Indiana high school nicknames of all time. The Top 10, as published in Indiana Basketball History Magazine:

  • 1. Stinesville Quarry Lads
  • 2. Epsom Salts
  • 3. Banquo Ghosts
  • 4. Edwardsport Power House Gang
  • 5. Speedway Sparkplugs*
  • 6. Delphi Oracles*
  • 7. Fort Branch Twigs
  • 8. Wheatfield Shockers
  • 9. Ireland Spuds
  • 10. Frankfort Hot Dogs*
  • * School still exists
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