The FBI warned law enforcement officials in New York of a "plausible but unsubstantiated" Al Qaeda plot against the city's subway system over the holiday season as the Thanksgiving weekend began, according to an internal memo obtained by the Associated Press. Increased security is expected in the system.
Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona said he plans to run for a fifth term in 2010 and expects a tough race, even though no challengers have emerged so far and he received two-thirds of the vote in his last two reelection races.
To protect scenic national parks in Utah, the US Bureau of Land Management has reversed its decision to auction off drilling leases near Arches National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, and Canyonlands National Park. The bureau, however, still plans to put hundreds of thousands of acres on the auction block Dec. 19 for oil and gas drilling.
In shopping for toys, it's "buyer beware" again this holiday season, the US Public Interest Research Group said in issuing its annual "Trouble in Toyland" report on hazardous playthings. The organization emphasized that consumer protections approved last summer aren't yet fully in effect.
Thousands of people are expected to interview family members Friday during the National Day of Listening, an annual oral-history event organized by StoryCorps, which records reminiscences around the country. Besides recording in studios, people are encouraged do their own recording.
The Endeavour space shuttle undocks from the International Space Station Friday and is scheduled to land with its seven-person crew at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sunday. During the 16-day mission, the crew delivered equipment for enlarging the station, plus performed maintenance.
The chief executive of American International Group Inc. will receive $1 this year and next, plus an unspecified amount of stock, the troubled New York-based insurer has announced. As the recipient of a $150 billion bailout, the government's largest, AIG is feeling pressure to restrict executive pay. No bailout money, the company said, will be used for bonuses or performance awards to top management.
The publishers of Merriam-Webster's dictionary have named "bailout" as the 2008 word of the year, based on look-ups on its website. Other much-searched words, influenced by current events, include: maverick and socialism.