Hillary Clinton digs Ron Paul
Love was in the air this afternoon on Capitol Hill. Some bipartisan love.
No, it wasn't between President Obama and Rush Limbaugh. Today they proved they couldn't be any further apart.
It happened when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was testifying in front of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Among the numerous topics discussed, Clinton shed light on the administration's thoughts on piracy, Cuba, relations with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a nuclear-armed Iran, and the future of Indonesia.
Could there be a better array of topics to spark some romance?
Ron Paul
It was when Texas Congressman Ron Paul asked her if there was any real change in foreign policy under this new administration when Clinton let it be known that she had a thing for the former Republican presidential candidate (or at least his supporters).
“And, at the risk of going over our time, I just want to say, having campaigned during the last presidential election, you had the most enthusiastic supporters of anybody I ever saw," she gushed.
"I love to hear that," he replied.
"Well, I mean, my goodness, everywhere I went they were literally running down highways holding your signs," she said. "I’ve never had a chance to tell you that. But your message obviously resonated with a lot of people."
A grinning, and perhaps blushing, Paul politely thanked her for the kind words before the chairman of the committee admonished Clinton.
"You're going to encourage him!" squawked Chairman Howard Berman.