Super Mario Bros.: Four ways to celebrate the 25th birthday

2. Mario and the whole gang

Exploding Rabbit
Super Mario Bros. Crossover lets you play the original NES game as Link from Legend of Zelda, Samus Aran from Metroid, or several other characters.

World 1-1 of the original Super Mario Bros. is perhaps as classic as video games get. Pong may be older, but few games have been played by so many for so long. But what if, instead of Mario, Link from Legend of Zelda or Samus Aran from Metroid sprinted through the Mushroom Kingdom? Thanks to Super Mario Bros. Crossover, there's no need to imagine. Developer Exploding Rabbit redesigned the game to include a full roster of Nintendo characters. It's a loving homage to the NES and a surprisingly fun realization of 1980s Nintendo daydreams.

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