Reporters on the Job
• The New Seven Wonders: The 100 million votes are in. And the Great Wall of China, Rome's Colosseum, India's Taj Mahal, as well as three architectural marvels from Latin America are among the new seven wonders of the world chosen in a global poll released on Saturday.
As reported in the June 29 Monitor article, "2,000 years later, global vote to pick world's new Seven Wonders," votes were cast by the Internet and cellphone text messages.
Also on the Top 7 list were Jordan's Petra, Peru's Machu Picchu, Brazil's Statue of Christ the Redeemer, and Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid, according to Associated Press.
Among the losing landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, Easter Island in the Pacific, the Statue of Liberty, the Acropolis, Russia's Kremlin, and the Sydney Opera House.
– David Clark Scott
World editor
This Week's Look Ahead
• Monday, July 9: The Hague – Yugoslav war crimes tribunal for Rasim Delic, former Bosnian Army commander. Mr. Delic led foreign Islamic volunteers who allegedly murdered, tortured, and raped Bosnian Croat civilian prisoners.
• Tuesday, July 10: Brussels – Cyprus and Malta to get final go-ahead from European Union to adopt the euro, bringing to 15 the number of EU nations using the common currency.
• Wednesday, July 11: Alcantara, Brazil - Brazil's first rocket launch since 2003 rocket explosion at space center killed 21 technicians and engineers.
• Friday, July 13: Rio de Janiero - Pan Am games begin. Continue through July 29.
– Associated Press
Cultural snapshot