Tuning in: On TV this week
Saturday jan. 17
Crittercam (National Geographic Channel, 8-8:30 p.m.): This wildlife show borrows an idea from reality-TV - attach a camera to a participant and observe what happens. This week, "crittercams" on humpback whales teach us about their hunting rituals. It turns out that each member of the pod has a specific duty to perform, such as coaxing the food upward or herding the food together for the feed.
Welcome to Littleburg (Nickelodeon, 8-8:30 p.m.): The first in a series called "Whoopi's Littleburg," this amusing, sweet-natured show for tiny tots will earn kudos from parents as well. Whoopi Goldberg has a wonderful ability to make kids giggle with the aid of puppets, a dash of animation, and a loving story about a little pig looking for friends in a new neighborhood.
Citizen King (PBS, check local listings): "American Experience" explores a side of Martin Luther King Jr. seldom explored on TV. Although he is often thought of as a secular leader, the civil rights activist took his inspiration from the Bible. His impulse to freedom, his personal dignity, and his refusal to be deterred from his mission came directly from his Christian faith.
Chasing Freedom (Court TV, 8-10 p.m.): Juliette Lewis stars in this surprisingly moving film about an Afghan woman seeking asylum in the US. Fleeing a fiery death because she taught girls to read, she finds herself in a prison-like facility for immigrants. The film is not entirely fair to the American legal system in its eagerness to portray the suffering of its protagonist. But the film, which is based on a true story, reveals the trials faced by many innocents from abroad.