
Who should decide legality of same-sex marriage?

Regarding your Nov. 21 editorial "Courts and Same-Sex Marriages": Your question as to whether gay marriage should be legalized by legislators in public or by a few judges in private raises my ire.

In the history of the United States, many things have been decided by a few judges in private, not the least of which was the right for African-Americans to have equal access to vote. A few judges in private decided that "separate but equal" education was far from equal. In both of these instances, legislators and the public were actively lobbying against these changes.

Our country's founders were smart when they created the three branches of government, because it is rarely legislators who do the right thing. It may seem like the right thing at the time, but history always shows us where we have gone wrong.

I trust the courts to one day force us all to see the truth - that my partner and I are married, whether or not legislators or public discourse dictates that we are to be second-class citizens because of it.
N. Jeanne Burns

In response to the question in your editorial, I believe law should be settled by legislatures and not by a few in the courtroom. We elect the legislatures as a nation. They represent the people more than a few judges do.
Liberty Sim

Understandably, your editorial trod a fine line on this controversial issue. As you concluded, the Supreme Court will eventually have to decide. But it would be naive to think that the court's verdict will mean acceptance by those who are for or against same-sex marriages. A broader issue about tolerance of views and practices is involved. A sea change in the way many Americans look at homosexuality will be necessary, and there are no signs that we can expect that to happen in the foreseeable future.
Rana Sircar
Sunnyvale, Calif.

Turkey needs its Western neighbors

Your Nov. 24 article "Islamist Turks still blame West" cites an opinion that Turkey should decrease its allegiance with the West to avoid terror attacks. Author Faik Bulut, quoted in the article, says Turkey can cooperate with its neighbors to ensure "security."

An assessment of Turkey's neighbors to the east (Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Georgia) reveals domestic repression, support for terrorism, and political instability. Turkey would do well to stand with its neighbors to the west as well as with other democracies with which they share values and a commitment to progress, instead of aligning with the oppressive, self-destructive path of the neighbors to the east. Civil liberties and freedom from fear do not come free, but are worth fighting for.
Jordan Plawner
Portland, Ore.

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