
Looking beyond the 'religion' of evolution

Regarding "Darwin or design?" (Feb. 20, Editorial): There is a growing body of scientific evidence exposing the "religion" of the theory of evolution and pointing toward an intelligent design to the universe. This evidence is being compiled through various hard sciences such as microbiology and higher mathematics. All proponents of this theory ask for is an open forum to compare and contrast with Darwin's theory.

The problem is that in too many corners of the academic and scientific arenas the "theory" of evolution is taken and taught as proven scientific fact, when any honest reading of Darwin's work reveals major problems with his theory. As creationists, at the turn of the century, invoked blasphemy to silence the proponents of Darwin's theory, so too do the current high priests of the "religion" of evolution seek to silence those who introduce contradictory evidence or alternative theories. Scientific evidence of any kind that relates to the origin of man and our universe must be examined in an open forum in order to advance.
Drew Terry
Round Rock, Texas

Your assertion that intelligent design hasn't been subjected to extensive field inquiry is not correct. I have read many such articles and studies. To most in the scientific community, it's not politically correct to allow an alternative to evolution in our schools - or anywhere else.

You are right that most science welcomes examination and challenging alternatives to test its theories - but in the case of evolution, the community closes its ranks to enforce unquestioned orthodoxy. Without testing by competing theories, we'll never know whether the theory of evolution is true or false.
Jon Groseth
San Diego

There would be very little controversy about natural selection versus creationism in schools if the first was taught in a science class and the latter in a Bible or religion class. And since when are we teaching the absolute "truth" in school? I hope we go to school for lifelong learning and thinking. Science is just an attempt at understanding our environment; religion helps us to believe - and both are very important life skills.
Co Boer
Richmond, BC

It's a shame so much effort has been wasted on battles of creationism versus evolution, as if these two perspectives as to the origins of life are necessarily opposite and contradictory. In the opinion of this physicist, they are complementary.

When presented, understood, and viewed properly, life's innumerable miracles can easily be seen to be the subtle work of a Creator, but I like to let my students decide and come to their own conclusions. It is simply not within the realm of science - which deals solely with the physical world - to determine the existence of something beyond our universe. In that realm, science can only provoke interest and inspiration in the quest to find meaning and purpose to our existence.
Michael Pravica
Las Vegas

It's interesting that pro-evolutionists claim their views are "fact" and not theory. Students should be exposed to both "theories" and be allowed to make their own decision. That's what science is about, isn't it, evaluating theories and making an intelligent decision based on present information?

It wasn't long ago (about 600 years or so), that we accepted the "theory" that the earth was flat. When more information was available, that theory was replaced. Give the students the power to make their own decisions as more information "evolves."
Jeff Porter
Valencia, Calif.

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