Road Runners
Staying fit on the road presents unique challenges - you're in a strange city, you're away from your usual routine, and your hotel may not have a fitness center. You can continue your fitness program, though, with a couple of minor adjustments.
If you belong to a health club, check to see if they offer reciprocal privileges with a club in the city you are visiting. Or, if there is a health club near your hotel, ask if they have a special "day" rate.
Your hotel might even have an arrangement with a nearby club and offer a 'visitor' rate. If a health club is not an option, run or walk the stairs! It is an excellent aerobic workout and the weather will not be a problem.
There are also a couple of pieces of exercise equipment that you can easily pack and take with you. Exercise bands come in different sizes, weigh very little, and offer a very good non-aerobic workout.
There is even a set of plastic weights called Aqua Bells that can be filled with water, up to 30 pounds, once you get to your hotel. Empty out the water when it is time to pack up and head home.