Ipana toothpaste
Pana dentifrice was first introduced in 1915. Its popularity increased with the Ipana Troubadours, a radio advertising campaign, and soon the toothpaste became one of America's top brands. Ipana was a bestseller from 1936 to 1945. During that time, more people were brushing their teeth with Ipana than with any other nationally advertised toothpaste or tooth powder. Ipana Plus came out in 1957. Instead of a tube, the toothpaste came in a stubby squeeze bottle. It cost $1.19, and ads boasted that it gave as many brushings as three 53-cent tubes. Demand flagged, though, and in 1968 Bristol-Meyers abandoned Ipana in favor of new brands. The next year, two Minnesota businessmen acquired the Ipana name, reformulated the toothpaste, and left the package unchanged. Demand, thought to be lagging, boomed. But that revival, and a subsequent one in 1973, eventually failed. In 1991, things took an odd twist. The new owners of the Ipana brand, Procter & Gamble, launched a joint venture with a Turkish company. Ipana is now a leading toothpaste in Turkey. If you wonder 'Whatever happened to...' write us at: One Norway Street, Boston, MA 02115 or e-mail: whatever@csmonitor.com