Senator's compassion will be missed
Thank you for the opinion-page article ``Metzenbaum's Senate Finale,'' Dec. 16. As the author states, Senator Metzenbaum is to be commended for his compassion for America's laborers and his stand in support of consumers and the labor unions. While the world is shrinking and the North American Free Trade Agreement and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade are inevitable, it's important to emphasize that fair trade must see a rise in the living standards of both our own workers and those of other countries.
We regret to see Metzenbaum leave the Senate and end his valuable service to his country. We can only pray that the GOP replacements will measure up to the achievements and compassion for the electorate of some of the high-quality people we've lost. Colleen and Dee Molenaar, Burley, Wash.
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