The Ticket to Violence: TV and Movies

I read with much interest the article `` `Restricted' Blithely Ignored,'' Sept. 1. It concerns me that theaters are admitting children and young adults to R-rated movies. It's no wonder we have so much violence in this country.

It is increasingly apparent that the film industry needs to stop producing these movies. Theaters need to take time to ask for identification and comply with the rules of not admitting anyone under the age of 18 - even if it means more ticket agents and less money for producers and theaters.

What children see on TV and in movies does affect their behavior toward everyone. From 1965 to 1970, I made a conscious effort to steer my children away from negative TV programs because I felt that it influenced their behavior toward each other and their peers, as well as their parents. If we really want to put a big dent in crime and help our children, we need to wake up to this dangerous influence. Dorothy Messner, Sacramento, Calif.

A must-see? Not for me

In the article ``Moviegoers Have Their Say on Stone,'' two young reviewers state that ``Natural Born Killers,'' can be a crystal ball for older people. This doesn't convince me it's a must-see film.

Approval of the film's brilliance and mixing of media styles was counterbalanced by doubts about who should see this satire. Though the film is not the Paul Revere of decadence, I ask those blinded by marquee lights and the mixing of all the media hype and gore: Aside from box-office profit and maybe a flirtation with the unnatural, what is the point? B. L. Morgan, Evanston, Ill.

Where's the Greek viewpoint?

The events item ``Greece, Albania at odds,'' Sept. 12, highlights erroneous official Albanian statements without presenting the Greek views on the issues that have created a crisis in the two countries' relations.

Greece has not closed its consulate in the southern town of Argyrocastro (Gjirokastra), where a large number of ethnic Greeks live, despite concerted efforts of the Albanian authorities to close it by declaring the consul general persona non grata. Greece has also made repeated appeals for a dialogue with Albania, which have been overlooked by the Albanian regime.

The border between Greece and Albania is not sealed but is monitored to prevent the entry of illegal migrants to Greece, in view of the fact that there is already a huge influx of 350,000 illegal Albanian workers in our country, creating enormous social problems.

Finally, I would like to point out that your newspaper, so well informed about Albanian official positions, obviously disregarded the numerous Greek official statements describing gross abuses against the entire Greek minority of Albania and the brutal handling by Albanian authorities of foreign journalists covering a trial reminiscent of the Stalinist era.

It is interesting to note that the above facts were carefully documented by Amnesty international and the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in Geneva. Alexios A. Cogevina Boston, Consulate General of Greece

Beautiful, polluted parks

My husband and I related strongly to the article ``Majesty Under Pressure: Canada's Banff Park,'' Sept. 7. All my life I have been looking forward to seeing Banff and Lake Louise (as well as national parks in the United States). Last year we finally saw them and came away considerably saddened. The scenery is magnificent, but almost overshadowed by crowds and litter.

The waters of Lake Louise were a muddy blue-green, the shore was littered, and unless we actually stood in the water, we couldn't get an unobstructed view of the lake because of the crowds. We finally hiked up a path overlooking the lake; the view at the top was lovely because the crowds and litter were not as visible.

We experienced much the same in US national parks. It's obvious that a solution must be found before these treasures are completely lost for our children and grandchildren. Suzanne P. Connolly, Lake Mary, Fla.

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