Look and see more pollution in L.A.
Regarding the front-page article ``Hey! Hollywood Megahits Roll Down Streets of L.A. As 3-D Computer Graphics,'' Aug. 17: My city has recently gone through an exercise in trying to reduce visual pollution in the form of billboards and signs.
I was struck that the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is going to paint buses to look like billboards. In other words, it is going to put billboards on wheels.
Since federal law prohibits billboards within 1,000 feet of each other along interstate highways, does this mean that Los Angeles's buses will not use interstate highways that already have ``regular'' billboards on them? Or, that the buses will not travel closer than 1,000 feet of each other?
These laws apply on many other highways and streets.
Seems to me the MTA is thumbing its nose at the letter and spirit of sign laws in order to pocket some money. Just because a billboard is mobile does not mean that it should be exempt from the law. C. Raymond Myers Jr., Brentwood, Tenn.
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