Somalis Should Determine Steps to Peace
I agree with the first sentence in the Opinion page article ``US Must Continue in Somalia Until Objectives Are Reached,'' Aug. 16, when the author writes, ``Enough.'' After that, we part company. The author claims we should double the number of American troops and confront, disarm, and capture Gen. Mohamed Farah Aideed. Such a ``Rambo'' style has never had a lasting effect except to embitter the nationals against the outside forces.
In the case of Somalia, a pause is necessary to reflect on the good that has been obtained thus far with relief efforts and the turn of events over the past two months, and to get a clear and updated picture on the best way to proceed.
This means calling on the Somali clan elders and getting a directive from the Somalis themselves rather than a United States view on the best way to proceed. Heidi Ernst-Luseno, Nairobi, Kenya
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