Nix the tax increase

Regarding the front-page article "Clinton Gives New Council Wide Scope on Economy," Feb. 4: We do not need more taxes. When will the Clinton administration and Congress learn? Increased taxes simply lead to increased government waste. Whatever happened to adopting the recommendations of the Grace Commission? This bipartisan commission showed how we could save $430 billion in three years without sacrificing essential government services. Now, the Committee Against Government Waste, an offshoot of the Grac e Commission, has revealed how to save $900 billion in four years, again without sacrificing essential services.

The American taxpayer is fed up with a wasteful Congress. The urgent demand is to eliminate government waste - not to raise taxes. Harvey L. Bunn, Tualatin, Ore.

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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