Doing Our Part to End Suffering in Somalia

This is a letter to the families of the troops now being deployed to Somalia, from one who understands their plight.

I am president of one of the relief organizations that our troops are going to help. I am also a marine, and my son is a marine stationed overseas. I know both the pain of separation and the pain of watching children starve to death. In Baidoa, every day presents a new challenge to delivering food to the starving. The troops will give stability to these tireless workers.

An entire generation of Somali children faces a future without hope. The United Nations predicted that many of these children would not live through Christmas. Thanks to our troops, this prediction stands a good chance of going unfulfilled. Robert A. Seiple, Monrovia, Calif., President, World Vision

Letters are welcome. Only a selection can be published, subject to condensation, and none acknowledged. Please address them to "Readers Write," One Norway St., Boston, MA 02115.

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