Zulu gangs cartoon

Jeff Danziger's cartoon July 8 of two police officers and a Zulu was offensive - and I'm no government supporter.

The cartoon seems to have been based on African National Congress (ANC) propaganda - the only thing the ANC can produce, aside from chaos and corpses. Surely it can be seen that far from being the innocent victims, the ANC is the major perpetrator of the violence. In my opinion, the ANC was directly involved in Boipatong; its exploitation of the massacres for its own ends is highly suspect.

Boipatong provided the ANC with the perfect motive for withdrawing from negotiations it never wanted, tightening the screws on the government and threatening further mass action the ANC leaders know will sink the economy. How they hope to survive if they get to power they haven't considered yet. P. A. Griffith, Johannesburg

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