20Should Macedonia Be Recognized?
In the article "EC Shuns Serb `Rump' Yugoslavia," May 4, the author concludes that failure on the part of the European Community to unconditionally recognize the so-called "Republic of Macedonia" will demonstrate weakness in the Maastricht accord.
He fails, however, even to mention that the Maastricht accord explicitly states that the EC will recognize breakaway Yugoslav states only if they commit themselves to political and constitutional guarantees that ensure no territorial claims against neighboring countries, including "the use of a denomination which implies territorial claims."
Seven months after their declaration of independence, the Skopje [Macedonian] leaders show no sign of democratic behavior, have drafted a constitution that blatantly disputes the current borders and reserves the right for the people of the new state to pursue by any means their claims against Greece, and continue to lie about the presence of a nonexistent "Macedonian" minority in Greece. The same constitution provides no human rights protection to the minorities of the state, like the significant Albania n minority, which expressed its opposition to the pseudo-Macedonian plans in January.
Contrary to the author's conclusion, failure of the EC to demand from the new states respect for democratic insti- tutions, acceptance of current borders, and human rights protection for minority populations will lead to the creation of a continuous threat to peace in the region and will destabilize democracy in Europe. George Philippidis, Denver
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