GOPAC to Voters: Change Congress NOW!

GOPAC, Republican Whip Newt Gingrich's low-budget, high-energy political-action committee, wants voters to "Change Congress NOW!" the brochures scream.

And it wants Republicans to do the following:

1. Challenge incumbents in Congress. GOPAC will focus on 170 districts, and offers campaign training to all comers.

2. Give money. GOPAC "Gavel Clubs" are being formed around the country. Their collective aim is to find 17,000 people who will give $1,000 each, for Republican challengers.

3. Go door to door. GOPAC is looking for 170,000 volunteers to make personal contact with voters and explain the generic "Republican message" in a drive to get out the vote.

"The Republican message boils down to this: We changed the world, we can change America," says GOPAC's Jeff Eisenach. "It means replacing the welfare state ... with a vastly more incentive-based, smaller and flexible system of government."

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