Supporting US policy on Cuba
The Opinion page article "US's Mistaken Tack on Cuba," Dec. 13, suggests that it would be in America's interest to normalize relations with Cuba, lift the trade embargo, and help Cuba reintegrate into the Organization of American States. Nothing could be further from the truth.
America's Cuban policy, the rejection of dictatorship with deeds, is the right one. It has its foundation on moral reasoning. It is an approach that grasps ideas and values as motivators of nations. It engages the imagination and commitment of the American people by supporting the assertion of universal moral norms; all the more important given the empirical evidence of democracy's power as an energizing principle in politics within and among nations.
Today, there is still a great deal of sympathy for present United States policy toward Cuba. It is sympathy based on an understanding of the plight of the Cuban people, and it can be appealed to and activated by the argument that normalizing relations with Cuba would condemn its people to a longer incarceration period. Placing Cuba's population in such peril is not something the American people wish to do. O. L. Peraza, Derry, N.H.
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