Aug. 25-26Restormel Castle (Cornwall); performances of "A Pig in a Poke," a light-hearted look at the life of Henry VIII. Aug. 26 Goodrich Castle (Hereford and Worcester); music and songs from Henry's age performed on period instruments. Sept. 1 Medieval Merchants House (Southampton); depiction of life in a medieval household. Sept. 1 Ashby de la Zouche Castle (Leicestershire); medieval pageantry such as jousting tournaments, miming, and dance. Sept. 7-8 Portland Castle (Dorset); depiction of life in Tudor times. Sept. 18-20 Cleeve Abbey (Somerset); music and songs from Henry's age performed on period instruments. Sept. 25-29 Thetford Priory (Norfolk); period music. Oct. 2-6 Framlinton Castle (Suffolk); period music. Oct. 9-13 St. Augustines Abbey (Kent); period music.
Now through the end of the year: Old Palace, Hatfield House (Hertforshire). Lively Tudor banquets most nights of the week in an atmospheric setting, with "Henry" and his court presiding over the victuals and providing the spirited entertainment.