WEDNESDAY World Series (CBS, 8-11 p.m. E.T.): Live coverage continues with Game Two - check local listings for remaining schedule. SUNDAY Seasons of Life (PBS, 10-11 p.m.): Five stages of life and how each is lived is the theme of this five-part documentary series, premi`ering with ``Infancy and Early Childhood.'' Real people tell their stories as human development is traced from conception to old age.

MONDAY Vivien Leigh: Scarlet and Beyond (TNT cable, 8-9 p.m.): The brilliant but generally underrated career of the late actress went far beyond the role she's best known for - Scarlett in the movie ``Gone With the Wind.'' In this documentary hosted by Jessica Lange, rare footage and interviews with people close to Leigh reveal a drive for perfection sustained through a troubled life often overshadowed by her husband, Laurence Olivier.

WEDNESDAY Art of Indonesia: Tales From the Shadow World (PBS, 8:30-9 p.m.): A film crew roamed through the 13,000-plus islands of this much-covered but still little-known archipelago and came up with an evocative mix of temple ruins, scenery, and folk performances. The Heroes (PBS, 9-11 p.m.): A hair-brained scheme that worked is the key to this fascinating drama - drawn from that inexhaustible source of true stories, World War II - about a young British captain and 12 other men who cross the ocean and slip into Singapore harbor in a refitted boat to destroy enemy ships.

Please check local listings for all programs, especially on PBS.

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