| WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 1939
Completely without ``incident'' was President and Mrs. Roosevelt's first state reception for diplomats since the outbreak of the European war. Germany was represented by blond Hans Thomsen, its embassy's Charge d'Affairs and his ample staff. Also present was stocky Ambassador Constantine A. Oumansky, recently returned from a stay in Soviet Russia. In an order dictated by official protocol came sober-eyed Jerzy Potocki, Ambassador from Poland; tenacious Vladimir Hurban, still recognized as Minister from Czechoslovakia, and smiling, bowing handsome Hjalmar Procope, Minister from Finland. The Japanese mission marched into the Blue Room where President and Mrs. Roosevelt received right on the heels of the Chinese Ambassador and his staff. But no one noticeably turned a cold shoulder to any one else nor spoke an unpleasant word. . . .
With the guest list cut by a third, and only about 700 guests actually in attendance, this year's diplomatic reception was one of the most exclusive state parties held at the White House in many a day.
The Monitor is looking back at the events of World War II.