Unexpected turn in New York politics as Hirschfeld backs Cuomo
| Albany, N.Y.
In a dramatic turnaround, maverick Democrat Abraham Hirschfeld endorsed Gov. Mario Cuomo for re-election yesterday. Hirschfeld, a millionaire developer, spent $3 million of his own money in an unsuccessful bid to become Mr. Cuomo's unwanted running mate. Cuomo managed to have Hirschfeld thrown off the Democratic ballot for lieutenant governor earlier this month.
There was no immediate explanation as to what made Hirschfeld change his mind.
Hirschfeld said he was endorsing Cuomo because he ``has helped turn the principles of the Democratic Party into real accomplishments.''
Cuomo said Hirschfeld would provide economic advice, but that he had not promised Hirschfeld a job and that he didn't want any of the millionaire's money.