News In Brief

High court stands aside in Alger Hiss conviction

The Supreme Court refused to get embroiled in the case of Alger Hiss, who was convicted of perjury and accused of being a Communist spy during the ''Red scare'' era that followed World War II. The justices, without comment, let stand a ruling denying him a reexamination of certain evidence used against him. Mr. Hiss claims the government denied him a fair trial by withholding evidence about the typewriter he allegedly used to copy State Department documents. In other action Tuesday, the Supreme Court:

* Let stand the conviction of former Rep. Richard Kelly (R) of Florida, who claims he was illegally lured to accept a $25,000 payoff in the FBI's Abscam ''sting'' operation.

* Refused to stand in the way of a new trial in the $1.8 billion dispute over charges that AT&T illegally tried to shut MCI Communications Corporation out of the long-distance telephone market.

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