Simple recipes for a simply small kitchen
If you move into a small apartment where the words "light housekeeping" indicate a small kitchen, you still have to eat. Actually you will probably want to eat well and prepare your meals with the least effort.
If you are an experienced cook you may be able to make up your own list of what you'll need, and to choose equipment and supplies to suit your own needs. But if you need some organizing, there is help now for the less experienced person.
In a recently published book: "Cooking Without a Kitchen," by Marshall Berland (A & W Publishers, Inc., $8.95) you will find valuable advice.Mr. Marshall writes well, and helpful hints are dispersed in the nicely written text , along with answers for basic questions and menu ideas for simple meals, parties, and a lot of recipes. Some are for familiar dishes; others, for the more sophisticated taste.
I liked very much the chapter on using eggs, an old standby. Eggs can be easily prepared just plain fried, scrambled, or boiled. They are also delicious in omelets and crepes. Fillings are described in the book, but you can use your own imagination as well as your leftovers for fillings for both crepes and omelets.
A glossary and conversion tables for measurements and weights complete the book.