Election 101: Who is Gary Johnson?

Gary Johnson, who has already scaled Mt. Everest, has chosen the presidency as his next summit.

4. Who is his base?

Joshua Sudock/o44/o44/ZUMA Press/Newscom
Gary Johnson, popular former GOP governor of New Mexico meets with the Orange County Register's editorial board at the newspaper's Santa Ana, Calif. headquarters on May 19, 2010. Mr. Johnson announced on April 21 that he would run for president in 2012.

Johnson has a surprisingly broad appeal, pitching to a potential base of Independents, fiscal conservatives, Libertarians and libertarian-leaning Republicans, even crossover Democrats and those disillusioned with Obama. He is an admirer, albeit cautious, of the tea party, and could attract some of the fiscally-conservative tea party core.

“He can appeal to voters from the left with his views on the war on drugs and foreign policy,” says Benedict. “He can appeal with his fiscal conservative message to the right.”

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