SpaghettiOs recalled due to choking hazard

Campbell Soup Co. is recalling 355,000 cans of SpaghettiOs because of plastic material that might be found in cans. 

Courtesy of the FDA
Cans of recalled SpaghettiOs from Campbell Soup Co.

Campbell Soup Co. is issuing a recall of SpaghettiOs Original over potential choking hazards, according to a statement released Thursday.

The recall will affect over 355,000 SpaghettiOs Original 14.2 ounce cans. Campbell’s issued the recall after receiving consumer complaints of plastic material in the SpaghettiOs. The plastic material is from the can lining, which can peel off. If the plastic has already been digested, it is considered safe.

The products were sold nationwide, and the recall is limited to the United States. 

“… the plastic is food grade and is from the lining of the can. It is not harmful if ingested,” the food company responded to customer via Facebook. “The reason we are recalling the product is that the pieces could pose as a potential choking hazard.” 

The affected cans have an expiration date of February 22, 2017 and a UPC code of 51000 22432. Both numbers can be found printed at the bottom of the can. If consumers find they have cans matching the expiration date and UPC code, they can return the cans to the store where they were purchased for a full refund.

If there is any discrepancy with the store, Campbell’s can be reached at 1-866-535-3774 and were responding to questions directed to their Facebook page. Customers can also find additional information on the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) website, here

Campbell's has had a few other major recalls in recent years, but the causes have been mild. The company recalled more than 300 cases of Prego tomato sauce after there was a risk of spoilage in 2014, and it recalled 80 cases of mislabeled canned soup that contained SpaghettiOs instead of chicken broth in 2013.

The company’s biggest recent recall occurred in 2010, when 15 million pounds of SpaghettiOs were recalled for containing undercooked meat. A malfunctioning cooker at a SpaghettiOs plant in Paris, Texas undercooked the meat resulting in the massive recall. The USDA reported there were no reports of illnesses from the meat. The cooker could have malfunctioned in 2008, with most of the undercooked meat likely having been consumed by customers before the recall took place.

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